Ada kemungkinan kecil bahwa Kamu akan mengalami pemadaman listrik tepat sebelum Kamu pergi tidur. Layar akan sangat terang dan kemudian lampu akan mati untuk sedikit. Kamu harus menunggu listrik yang akan dikembalikan ke rumah Kamu sebelum Kamu benar-benar bisa pergi ke tempat tidur.
`Tempat Tidur Baru
Setelah Kamu membeli Big Bed dari saluran Belanja Tv 10.000 G Kamu akan melihat acara ini. Tepat sebelum Kamu melompat ke tempat tidur nyaman baru Kamu, Kamu akan mendengar ketukan di pintu. Dalam berjalan Popuri, Ann, Karen, Mary, dan Elli! Mereka telah mendengar bahwa Kamu telah membeli Big Bed dan mereka ingin melihatnya. Sebenarnya, mereka ingin tidur di dalamnya!
Ketika mereka semua melompat ke tempat tidur untuk tidur, Popuri bangun dan mengatakan dia sempit. The Big Bed terlalu kecil untuk 5 orang untuk tidur ! Empat gadis lainnya setuju dengan Popuri. Karen, dengan cara snoby dingin nya, mengatakan bahwa mereka semua harus pergi. Setelah 5 dari mereka semua meninggalkan Kamu akhirnya bisa tidur.
Setelah Kamu membeli Big Bed dari saluran Belanja Tv 10.000 G Kamu akan melihat acara ini. Tepat sebelum Kamu melompat ke tempat tidur nyaman baru Kamu, Kamu akan mendengar ketukan di pintu. Dalam berjalan Popuri, Ann, Karen, Mary, dan Elli! Mereka telah mendengar bahwa Kamu telah membeli Big Bed dan mereka ingin melihatnya. Sebenarnya, mereka ingin tidur di dalamnya!
Ketika mereka semua melompat ke tempat tidur untuk tidur, Popuri bangun dan mengatakan dia sempit. The Big Bed terlalu kecil untuk 5 orang untuk tidur ! Empat gadis lainnya setuju dengan Popuri. Karen, dengan cara snoby dingin nya, mengatakan bahwa mereka semua harus pergi. Setelah 5 dari mereka semua meninggalkan Kamu akhirnya bisa tidur.
Ketika anjingmu akhirnya menjadi dewasa kira itu menjadi peristiwa yang menyenangkan. Jika kamu belum mengambil perhatian baik dari anjingmu, Anda mungkin berakhir dengan anjing yang sakit, bukan! Jika anjingmu tidak memiliki hati saat dia dewasa, dia akan sakit di pagi hari ketika Kamu bangun.
Dokter tidak banyak dokter hewan, tapi dia bilang anjingmu akan baik-baik saja. Dia memarahi Kamu karena tidak merawat anjing yang lebih baik dari teman Anda!
Anda tidak akan mendapatkan poin apa pun untuk acara ini, tapi malu pada Anda untuk melihat itu!
`Barang kesukaan Van
Jika Kamu memberikan salah satu hal favorit kepadanya, Van akan memberikan Kamu kesempatan untuk membeli item khusus tambahan dari dia. Para 6 item dia menawarkan akan berubah ketika Kamu membeli sebelumnya dan masing-masing biaya setidaknya 1 juta g! Jika Kamu memberikan salah satu botol Van dan dia tidak memiliki item khusus yang tersedia, dia akan menawarkan untuk membiarkan Kamu membeli kembali botol! Hanya menyimpan sebelum memberikan Van item untuk mencegah hal itu terjadi.
This Record holds all of the background music that you can hear in the game. There are 38 songs on the Record and you can only listen to them while you are browsing the Record's song selection menu. Unfortunately the music stops when you leave the screen so you can't choose to listen to the Opening Theme while wandering your farm.
The book holds a quiz to test your knowledge of the game. To use the book, take it to Mary's Library, hold it above your head, and investigate the far-left bookshelf on the 1st floor. The quiz questions are not easy. You will be able to select one of 6 answers, and the answers also shuffle their layout each time you're asked the same question (so you can't just memorize the answer as being the 2nd or 3rd one in the list). Some of the questions you might be asked are...
- What day of the week will it be on Fall 10 in 100 years?
- The amount of strength you loose when using the Cursed Hammer is...
- When is Duke's birthday?
- How many episodes is the tv show "Fairy and Me"?
- The shipped price for Bamboo Shoots is...?
- and many more!
Take this book to Mary's Library to read 110 letters you can receive in the game. Did you know you will receive a letter when you reach your 200th year in the game?
Just like the Quiz Book, take this to Mary's library and hold it above your head while investigating the far-left bookcase. This book has everything that you can read about in the Library. You get the A Wonderful Life character profiles, all the game's library tutorials, and even the staff credits.
Take this little odd item and check the Variety channel on your TV set. You can then select which episode of the series you want to watch! Want to skip ahead a few episodes of My Dear Princess? No problem if you use this little device. This programer also works on the Variety channel on the TV inside of the Town Cottage!
This becomes a fancier version of TV Shopping. Take the box and use it while standing in front of your Mirror. You can now buy things from all the Mineral Town shops without having to leave your house! This box only works with your own mirror and not the ones in the other vacation houses. You can even buy items from Van when his Wednesday-only shop isn't open.
The general idea is to keep an eye on the 3 apples that Won places in front of you. He'll call off the apples names from left to right and then shuffle them together. After the apples stop moving, Won will ask you to point out the location of a specific apple. If you get it right you can apple-swap again. If you get it wrong then the game ends.
Won's apple switching is not as random at it seems. Susa-Ann on the UNoT forum discovered the pattern that Won uses for shuffling. If you want to know exactly where the apples end up, check out the Won's Apple Game Cracked! thread on the forum.
The longer your game lasts, the faster Won shuffles the apples around. The game has 10 rounds. If you loose before the last one, you'll win Lottery Tickets depending on how many rounds you completed (1 ticket per 2 rounds passed). If you win all 10 rounds you'll receive a Mystery Flower.
- Match 2 numbers from your ticket - Win a Record.
- Match 3 numbers from your ticket - Win a Record.
- Match 2 numbers not on your ticket - Won will give you seeds from his shop.
- Match 3 numbers not on your ticket - Win a Record.
- Match 3 numbers in sequential order - i.e. 4-5-6; Win a Record.
You can only win the "match X from your ticket" once, but you still can win multiple copies of the Records if match up the shuffled numbers more than once. You can keep the extra record in your cupboard, or you can sell it back to Won. The Records can earn you between 80,000 and 170,000 G!
If you win a bag of seeds by matching 2 numbers during the shuffle, you must have an empty slot in your Rucksack's Tool area. Won doesn't deliver the seeds to the Toolbox in your house if you don't have room in your bag.
When you give one of the Mystery Flowers to the Goddess, she'll thank you and request that you bring her more of them. She wants 10 flowers and will even keep track of how many more you need to give her. After you have tossed 10 Mystery Flowers into her pond, the Goddess will present you with a gift.
`Cook for the Girls
They would like to see what you can do with your new kitchen, so they all decide to take a seat at the table and wait for you to make them something. Each girl will request a different dish; just talk to the girl to find out what she wants.
- Karen - French Fries, Tempura, or Popcorn
- Elli - Hot Milk, Sandwitch, or Strawberry Milk
- Ann - Mushroom Rice, Cheese Fondu, or Hotcake
- Popuri - Omlette, Egg Over Rice (Egg Bowl), or Scrambled Eggs (JPN Omelet)
- Mary - Veggie juice, Chocolate Cake, or Relax Tea
You will earn 20 Cooking points.
semua itu haruz untuk perempuan tho